Müňýyllyk: 2-nji müňýyllyk
Asyrlar: 15-nji asyr - 16-njy asyr - 17-nji asyr
Onýyllyklar: 1490ýý 1500ýý 1510ýý - 1520ýý - 1530ýý 1540ýý 1550ýý
Ýyllar: 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529
Kategoriýalar: Dünýä inenler - Aradan çykanlar - Binagärçilik
Gurlan döwletler - Synan döwletler

Use {{decadebox|xx}} where xx is the number of the decade, without the final 0. For example, use 189 for the 1890s, -3 for the 30s BC. The example on the right is for the 1520s, i.e. {{decadebox|152}}.