lt:User talk:Hugo.arg

Hoş geldiňiz!
Wikipediýa: erkin ensiklopediýa hoş geldiňiz, Idioma-bot!

Salam, indi siz Türkmençe Wikipediýada. Goşant goşmakçy bolsaňyz ilki bilen ýörelgeler bilen tanyşmak ündelýär. Wikipediýada özgerişlik geçirip bilersiňiz.

Eger Wikipediýany öwrenmek isleýän bolsaňyz Ýardam sahypasyna serediň.

Türkmençe Wikipediýany ösdüreliň. --~~~~

--Absar 12:52, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

Hi. Could please provide me the English versions of some interwiki bot commands (which will be displayed in all interwiki bot summaries)! The reason is that someone translated them into Turkish, not Turkmen. Now I want to localise them if you be so kind to help me? If possible I want to translate those some 4 commands into Turkmen. Also if there are some other commands to be translated I will be glad to deal with them. Best Regards--Hanberke 12:25, 21 aprel 2009 (UTC)Reply