Hoş geldiňiz!
Wikipediýa: erkin ensiklopediýa hoş geldiňiz, Ugur Basak!

Salam, indi siz Türkmençe Wikipediýada. Goşant goşmakçy bolsaňyz ilki bilen ýörelgeler bilen tanyşmak ündelýär. Wikipediýada özgerişlik geçirip bilersiňiz.

Eger Wikipediýany öwrenmek isleýän bolsaňyz Ýardam sahypasyna serediň.

Türkmençe Wikipediýany ösdüreliň. --~~~~

--Absar 14:06, 24 September 2006 (UTC)

Hello! Might you be able to contribute to the en.Wikipedia article on Scouting in Turkmenistan, or translate it into the Turkmen language? Thank you, Chris (kintetsubuffalo on en.Wikipedia) 02:51, 2 December 2005 (UTC)

bende yönetici olmak istiyorum. nasıl başvurulur. saygılar weli .

Katowice düzet

Hello. I'm wikipedia redactor from Poland. We do some action for tranlation atricle about one of the biggest polish city simple:Katowice. Could You make some translation into Your native language of this article ? Just a few senteces. Please. There is source article in English: en:Katowice.

Best Regards.

Stimoroll form Poland